June 11, 2019
Applied Professional Training was conceptualized in 2010 with the sole aim of providing quality training to air hostess aspirants. There was a dearth of premier air hostess training institutes in Kolkata at an affordable price. Students were not even aware of the career options in the Civil Aviation industry such as Air Hostess, Ground Staff, etc. The growth of Civil Aviation industry has been unprecedented. The civil aviation industry has emerged as one of the fastest growing industries in India for the pas few years. This is due to the fact that Brent Crude has seen one of its lowest price points and thus Air Turbine Fuel (ATF) costs very cheap to the airlines. There have been several low cost carriers who have worked on margins and are dominating the industry, for example, Indigo Airlines. So, to cater to the demands of growing cabin crew professionals APT with renowned faculties from the industry to train and groom students.
Courses Offered:
1. Diploma in Cabin Crew Training (DCCT): It is designed for students who are specifically looking for a career in Civil Aviation industry as an air hostess.
2. Diploma in Advance Service Management (DASM):The training program covers the entire service industry, namely Airlines – Cabin crew, Ground handling, Hotels, Travel and tourism Industry. It is designed for students who are looking to excel in the service industry.
3. Diploma in Airport & Travel Management (DATM): It is designed for students who are specifically looking for a career in India and Abroad as an Airport ground staff, Travel Manager, Tour Operator, Holiday consultant, Tourist Guide, Foreign Exchange Consultant, Visa Documents Officer, etc.
4. Diploma in Hotel Operation & Travel Management (DHOTM): The program caters to candidates aspiring specifically to join the Hospitality and the Travel & Tourism Industry. This training program is scientifically designed in such a way to make the students ready to join any sector of the Hotel and/or the Travel & Tourism Industry.
Training Methodology:
Soft Skills:
1. Effective Communication Skills in English:
The communication skills include both verbal and non-verbal communication, are developed in this section in three phases:
• Grammar Rectification
• Confidence building for Speaking in English – Speech
• Voice and Accent Neutralization Session
2. The Art and Science of Self Grooming:
The students are trained different standards of Self Grooming, like the application of Make-up(for Girls), Identification of skin types, selection of occasion related attire especially for Interview, Individual Diet, weight management etc.
3. Personality Enhancement:
Personality enhancement helps the student to handle and face any situation, be it the nervousness of giving an Interview, tackling an Irate passenger, handling peer pressure or just plain jealousy of friends.
Technical Skills:
Here the candidates are trained on the different aspects of executing one’s job responsibility
1. Cabin Crew:
The candidates are trained in depth on the various aspects of the role of a Cabin Crew through both theoretical and practical sessions.
2. Airport Handling:
The training includes handling of the passengers at the Airport during the various phases of his/her movement at the Airport, like Check-In Counters, Baggage Check, Security, Ramp, etc.
3. Hospitality Management:
The students are trained for the different departments in a hotel viz; Front Office Management, Housekeeping, Services etc, through theoretical and practical sessions.
4. Travel & Tourism Management:
The students are taught in detail the various aspects of the tourism industry, like tourist attraction of different countries, IATA Airport/Airline/Currency Codes, making of tour packages, visa applications and documentation, reservation of Hotels and Airlines, Foreign Exchange, Time zones, Fares, etc.
Since its inception, APT has always focussed on placing the students in the top companies. We have a successful track record of 100% placement across our 6 years of business.
Our students are placed at reputed airlines such as:
• Indigo Airlines
• Jet Airways
• Air India
• Go Air
• Spicejet

The salary package differs across different airlines. You can find out more here.
We also provide placement assistance to candidates until 1 year from the date of course completion.
So you can rest assured that with APT, you will get placed in one of the top airlines in the industry.