- Effective Communication Skills in English:
The communication skills, including both verbal and
non-verbal communication, are developed in this
section in three phases:
- Grammar Rectification
- Confidence building for Speaking in
English –
- Voice and Accent Neutralization
- The Art and Science of Self Grooming:
During this air hostess training course, the
students are provided different standards of Self
Grooming, like the application of Make-up(for
Girls), Identification of skin types, selection of
occasion related attire especially for Interview,
Individual Diet, weight management etc.
- Personality Enhancement:
Personality enhancement training provided in our air
hostess course helps the student to handle and face
any situation, be it the nervousness of giving an
Interview, tackling an irate passenger, handling
peer pressure or just plain jealousy of friends.
Here the candidates are trained on the different aspects
of executing one’s job responsibility
- Air Hostess:
The candidates are trained in depth on the various
aspects of the role of an air hostess through both
theoretical and practical sessions.
- Airport Handling:
This air hostess training includes handling of the
passengers at the Airport during the various phases
of his/her movement at the Airport, like Check-In
Counters, Baggage Check, Security, Ramp, etc.
- Hospitality Management:
The students are trained for the different
departments in a hotel viz; Front Office Management,
Housekeeping, Services etc., through theoretical and
practical sessions.
- Travel & Tourism Management:
The students are taught in detail the various
aspects of the tourism industry, like tourist
attraction of different countries, IATA
Airport/Airline/Currency Codes, making of tour
packages, visa applications and documentation,
reservation of Hotels and Airlines, Foreign
Exchange, Time zones, Fares, etc.